The national youth service corps was established in 1973 with the mandate to raise a class of patriotic, morally and physically disciplined Nigerian youths who graduated from Universities and Polytechnics to undertake the National Service. During the mandatory one year service, corps members leave among and within the host communities, facilitating unity and integration as well as championing community development by executing projects jointly with the people of the host communities.

Without doubt, the commitment of the schemes management and proper guidance of corps members has resulted in great contributions to the social, political and economic transformation of the nation. The NYSC remained in the vanguard of the nation’s drive to promote self-help initiatives in rural and urban communities through the various development programmes executed by Corps Members with active participation of community members.

As a developing country, Nigeria is further plagued by the problems attendant upon a condition of under development, namely; poverty. mass illiteracy, acute shortage of high skilled manpower (coupled with most uneven distribution of the skilled people that are available), woefully inadequate socioeconomic infrastructural facilities, housing. Water and sewage facilities, road, healthcare services, and effective communication system. 

Faced with these almost intractable problems, which were further compounded by the burden of reconstruction after the civil war, the government and people of Nigeria set for the country, fresh goals, and objectives aimed at establishing Nigeria as:
(a) a united, strong and self reliant nation:
(b) a great and dynamic economy;
(c) a land of bright and full opportunities for all citizens; and
(d) a free and democratic society.

It is a culture in Nigeria, that once a student graduates from the University or a polytechnic, with a degree or National Higher Diploma, (HND), he or she is sent to a state in Nigeria to serve the Nation.
'Youths obey the clarion call, let us lift our nation high, under the sun and in the rain, with dedication and selflessness, Nigeria ours, Nigeria, we Serve.'

The above is the National Anthem of every Youth corp member in Nigeria. And for 30+ years, it has sounded sure and true. The NYSC Scheme has 3 stages, the 3 weeks of orientation camping, the Community Development Services (done once a week), and The Place of Primary Assignments, (where each corp member is posted to after the orientation camp and where he is to serve for one year).

NYSC has not been without its ups and downs, with tales of killings and abductions of Corp Members every where, every state. But good things are always met with resistance. As a Youth Corp Member myself, I believe in the NYSC, and I believe in its vision. It is the single unifying factor in Nigeria that has survived so long.

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